Domestic/Commercial Building

What To Do After A Fire - Domestic or Commercial Building

Make sure you, your family and pets are safe.

Prevent unauthorized entry to your building (there will be a volume of people e.g. media representatives, neighbours or passers-by who assume they have a right to enter your property for a look).

Report the fire to your Insurance Company (don’t worry if you don’t have a copy of your policy or any other insurance documentation. Your insurance company will have their own records).

If you rent or lease the building report the fire to your Landlord or Property Manager

Listen to and act on the advice given to you by your Insurance Company.

Don’t enter or re-enter the building yourself in an attempt to rescue personal items (the time to do that safely will come later) Fire scenes are not safe places to be.

If it is safe to do so, turn off gas and water supplies (Emergency Services normally summon Utility Providers who do this for you but sometimes it may take them a while to respond).

Make yourself available to Insurance Company representatives. Insurers may appoint an Insurance Assessor, a Factual Investigator and or a Forensic Fire Investigator (this is normal procedure for most large loss fires) Those appointed to assist with the claims process are trained to recognise your needs for e.g temporary accommodation, cash advances.

Talk to your family and friends about your experience. Fires are frightening, you may experience a range of emotions. Seek professional help if necessary.

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